cheaper than therapy

Have you ever heard that quote, "running is cheaper than therapy"? It is ironic because iI started running almost two years ago now, 4-5 times a week, people would ask why? and my answer would always be, " I dunno, it feels like therapy!" Not that I need therapy or want it, but running to me is kind of like laying in that chair talking about all the thoughts and feelings that go through your head, except I am running while discussing them to myself.  I can't explain the feeling I get while running,  I mean yes sometimes it sucks, is painful, can't breath, ect.  But after about 10 minutes in, that all disappears, and it seems to just be me, my running shoes, and the path I am on!

These pictures are taken at Tempe Town Lake, in Tempe, AZ where I live.  It is not really a lake for all you non- arizonians, but rather a large man made pond I like to call it.  There is a path that leads around the exterior of the lake and does a complete circle.  Not too shabby of a place to run, right? I  like it! There are always people around, on sail boats, paddle boarding, fishing, running, the row team.... you name it, it seems to be going on! The downfall of this, after oh about mid-may running outside in Arizona is not an option, back into the gym I go. Until then, this seems to be my home everyday after work!

These are my favorite running shorts ever!!! I am obsessed.  Made by lulumeon, they have a little compartment for your keys and ID, they are breathable, and don't ride up.  They are a little pricey, like everything lululemon, but totally worth it!

How many of you out there run? Are your reasonings the same as mine? Lets hear it!!

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