
Recently I came across this quote from Albert Einstein and it became an instant anthem to life by. I’ve felt like that fish at some points in my life, trying to climb the trees of whom culture says I should be. But, over the years I have realized that I will never fully understand who I am and what I can do if I am constantly trying to be someone else. 

In being who we were created and meant to be, we must not fear the chance of imperfection. Being genuine and true to yourself takes courage and a willingness to fail before people in the chance of discovering who you really are. There are so many examples historically of people fighting to bring to the world a gift that only they can bring. It took hard work and many attempts, but in the end, they succeed and the world is a better place because of it.


We all have our own unique gifts. Some in fashion, some in compassion. Some in personality, and some in action. The older I get, and the more seasons of life I go through, the more I discover about myself. In recent years I have found I truly come alive when I write and read. Being a part of stories, whether my own or someone else’s, I feel my heart come alive, enabled to fully express who I am. One of my favorite things to do on my blog, From The Guest Room, is to write about the ‘guests’ in my life. Their stories fascinate me and by sharing them, I find a bit more of myself as a storyteller. 


Be you, not a fish trying to climb trees, but choose to swim, as you were meant to swim! 

You can read more about me, my guests and my daily thoughts on life, fashion, faith, crafting and much more at From The Guest Room! Thanks to Stesha for allowing me to share my thoughts with you all over here on Classic & Bubbly today! Isn't she great!! ♥, mK

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