guest post // sincerelyarizona

Hello to all the Classic & Bubbly readers! I'm Kristal and I blog at sincerelyarizona! Since Stesha is making her treck back to AZ from Canada, I am lucky enough to fill in for her today! When this opportunity came about, I was SUPER excited becuase I LOVE this girl's style! Example herehere, and here

A little about me, I started my blog as a journal to myself to document my growth and experiences along this crazy beautiful thing called life. I love clothes, hair, makeup and just about anything girlie. I love the way that clothes can just pep up you mood and make you feel so much brighter. Blogging gives me lots of inspiration and I have met so many wonderful women along the way (Stesha!), even if some of them are just through email! I love people and feelings and I love to listen and learn about what makes people tick, especially women. I have been that single girl finishing college...figuring out life, what I wants, and who I am. I've been in the dating scene and I've been through the on and off's of relationships, not knowing which way to go. I found the love of my life 5 years ago and I won't get into our whole story but it's a pretty great one, I have to admit. We got married in May and are now just living the newlywed life, loving and living each day of this new experience. I would love for you to visit so stop by if you get a chance, I would love to hear from you!

Most of us are obviously so ready for fall, we are all over pinterest pinning scarves, boots, coats and layering like crazy. Pumpkins, falling leaves and cooler weather cannot come soon enough. So before the posts of fall start coming, I wanted to get one last summer outfit it to say goodbye to the bright and sunny colors. Here's one of my favorite summer outfits of Stesha's where she's wearing a similair BRIGHT pink!


How beautiful is Kristal? I am so happy she had the chance to guest post for me while I am getting settled, she brings a little bit of Arizona out in a fabulous way. Happy Tuesday love, I will be back posting tomorrow!


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