my roadtrip

4 months ago when I drove out of Arizona and up the California coast all the way into British Columbia.  That trip took me 7 days, stopping in almost every major city not spending more than about 12 hours in the car aprox. 2100 miles.  When driving back from BC to AZ my mom came on the trip with me and we decided to drive more of the midwest route. Covering 7 states (Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah, Arizona) 2600 + miles in 4 days. What a trip! September is a beautiful season to travel with the colors of the trees showing through, and perfect weather. Let me show you....

This is the international Canadian / United States border in Midway, BC. I think the fence came up to my mid thigh. It gave me a good chuckle.
Beautiful colors of the trees we saw driving through many of the different states. 
We took a pit stop in Sheridan Wyoming for lunch.  One of the cutest little towns I have ever been too. There were cowboys, cafes, old time buildings, and flowered pots.  I just loved it. 
The point of the extreme trip was to head over to Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. When driving through keystone park I noticed a face on the side of the mountain, Oh Mt. Rushmore....nope Crazy Horse! This active site will take another 100+ years in order to be completed. You can see the side of the face painted on the mountain of what it will actually look like when done. 
And then here we are Mt. Rushmore! It was a great land mark to see. Yet after traveling for days sitting in a car, listening to 5 audio books (ps audio books are amazing, I highly suggest!) I got to Mt. Rush and after looking at it for 30 seconds I was done. weird how that happens right/? You are so excited to see something and then its like, oh ok cool, lets go! haha! Great experience though.
The last scenic view we stopped at along the trip was Bryce Canyon in southern Utah! It is a huge National Park where you can camp, spend the day and travel around. Bryce Canyon is a huge Canyon full of breath taking red rock. The photos just do not do it justice. 

I am excited to be back in Arizona.  I know I have been a little mia lately from blog-verse but Starting next week I will be back full time. Get ready for some giveaway, outfits, and what Ill be doing with my life now that I am home and self employed. Speaking of self employed, If you live in Arizona and are looking for fall or holiday photos email me, I have a special for my lovely blog friends :) 


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