lets talk lips

It is no secret bold lips are in this season. Red, hot pink, orange, purple, you name the color fabulous ladies are wearing it! I used to be a neutral girl with my lipsticks. Sometimes just a good chap stick was all I needed.....until lately. I started experimenting with bold lip colors in early spring of this past year and have been obsessed since. Today I have a little tutorial for you on how you can go about applying your stand out lips!

1. Choose what color you want to sport for the day. Stick to one color for the whole day unless you are going to do a neutral in the morning and switch to a bold at night. 2. Apply a lip liner. Not like 80's liner where you look like you have a dark red ring around your lips, but a versatile liner that can be worn with many colors. Secret: fill your lips in with the liner, this will eliminate the chance of a ring appearing later in the day.  
3. Apply your lip color for the day. Make sure you pay close attention to the details of your lips when applying. You want to keep the shape and stay inside the liner. It can look sloppy if you do not apply correctly!
4. Sometimes, if I am wearing the bold color during the day I will apply a little gold shimmer gloss just in the middle of my lips. Not the full lip but just under my cupids peak and in the full part of my bottom lip. It can totally change a look!
5. MOST IMPORTANT: no on wants to see lip stick on your teeth! Eeeek, embarrassing! SO to avoid this stick your finger in your mouth, close your lips, and pull it out. All the excess lipstick will come off on your finger and not on your teeth!
There you have it! Hope you enjoyed this lip tutorial today, head out there and buy some fun lip colors!!

*I am wearing Raspberry Pie by Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter, and Natural Talent by MAC Dazzleglass Creme**

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