New Chapter

top: Nordstrom // pants: Free People // bag: THEIT // watch MK

I got the sweetest email yesterday coming from a loyal reader who said they were mad at me... WHAT why are you mad? She said she kept checking my blog every hour or so & I never posted. This comment made my heart melt. I am so thankful for each & every reader I get each day.  I am so lucky to have people in my life (blogland & real life) who support my dreams & career. So Thanks everyone!

Today I went & signed the rest of my paper work for my LLC, opened my business bank account, & filed licenses... yippy!! You ask why kind of licenses?! What if I told you it was a re-sale or whole sale license??? Huh? Would that peak your interest on my surprise I have coming your way?? I think it should!

Another thing I am doing today is turning a chapter in the book of Stesha. Yepp I have this book called my life & sometimes my chapters are fun, some confusing, some are hurtful, some are exciting, some are boring. But today starts a new chapter. I have a business that is taking off & coming along so I think I am going to title the chapter as Adventurous! Many times in my book, I get scared to close the chapter so I drag it on & on... kinda like a run on sentence. Some times it takes another person to force me to end the chapter or start a new one. If any of you out there feel like this let me know so I don't feel crazy please! Moral of todays posts don't be scared to stop writing one chapter & start writing a new one, the best is always yet to come!


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