seven / twenty-six / nineteen eighty-six

I was born at 3:33pm on July 26th, 1986 making me 27 years old today.  Wow, I remember the day I turned 20 running around telling everyone I was in my "early twenties!" what I would give to go back to being early twenties again. Today marks my entrance into my late twenties, and although getting old is not the most desirable thing in the world it has given me some experience on a few things.  I have listed 27 facts I have learned about life....

+ chocolate ice cream & sprinkles is the best dessert
+ learning the difference between, your & you're
+ how to properly pop a pimple 
+ don't ever judge anyone else's relationships
+ college is the most fun time in your life
+ chipped nail polish is unflattering
+ FRIENDS will always be funny, no matter how many times I watch the episodes
+ taking risks leads to open doors you never knew you could have 
+ falsies mascarra is the best in the industry
+ education is important
+ champagne should be at every birthday party over the age of 21
+ you will fall in love more than once, don't be afraid to not find it again
+ coconut oil can be used for almost anything
+ travel somewhere different every year (even if it's not far)
+ new cell phones come out every 3-6 months, you'll never be able to catch up
+ you should always wear sunscreen, always
+ at some point every girl will dance on tables with her best friends
+ karma does exist, you may not be there to see it come around but it always does
+ black is a slimming color on everyone
+ live your life for you, not for someone else
+ the truth always comes out, better to be honest up front
+ having good friends is essential in ones life
+ if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life
+ reality TV is garbage, but oh so entertainning
+ things are scarier at night time
+ it is better to be overdressed at any occasion, it shows class
+ be true to yourself, it is the first relationship you form & the most important 

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