life is okay

skirt: Dynamite // shoes & shirt: Target // necklace c/o Grab Glam // watch: MK // rings: Forever21 // lips: MAC "lady danger"

It has come to an end of another week, I just can't believe how fast time seems to be flying by.  While at the park this week I took s step back + gazed at the sky, just pondering life + all it has to offer. At the same time it reminded me of how short life is + how things can be changed in a split second. Even if you never intended it to change, it can. Just like that. No preparation, no warning, no reason why. It is hard to understand at times, but there always seems to be a reason to why things happen.  They say you are never given something you can't handle, maybe the universe tests you sometimes so you have to be strong enough to overcome it all.  Everything will be okay, if its not ok its not the end!

I may have gotten a little deep for this Friday, but just remember when you are out this weekend take a minute to be thankful for what you have! Happy Weekend!

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