black leather + lace

jacket (SIMILAR) c/o LuLu*s // shirt (HERE) + ring (HERE) c/o Le Tote // leggings (SIMILAR): Forever21 // purse (SIMILAR): Target // bracelets (HERE) (HERE) (SIMILAR) c/o InPink // boots: LA fashion district 

The outfit above was worn in AZ! Ok, JK it wasn't I took these photos while up visiting my family for the holidays. My mom is getting to be quite the little photog herself... with a few helpful hints from her always calm never difficult daughter! One issue I have with my closet is winter clothes, being that I live in Arizona I don't really need winter clothes at least not super warm ones. BUT when I travel, especially for the holidays I am always at a loss with what to wear. Anyone else living in warm climates with me on this? When Le Tote approached me about collaborating I was ecstatic! If you have not heard of Le Tote open a new web browser and google it. For $49 a month you receive 5 items from their store to wear as long as you want, when you are finished with the items you just simply put them back in the box and mail them off. Then a few days later you get another shipment from Le Totes with 5 more items. Does this not sound amazing?! You don't even have to wash them, they do that too!!! It totally helped me while going on vacation because I didn't want to buy a few things I would only wear once, so I just got to borrow them. For all of you wear one time ladies this is seriously the best thing since sliced bread. No joke on that one.  Head over to Le Tote and see for yourself, you can even sign in and take a tour without having to purchase a membership. It will change your closet, this I promise you!

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