Here's to a New Year + new beginnings

 jeans (SIMILAR) + plaid shirt (HERE) c/o Aeropostale // sweater: Nordstrom // boots: Coach // beanie: Junky Trunk // watch (HERE) c/o LuLu*s 

Happy 2014!

I have never been a huge fan of NYE, like ever. There's something about that night that just seems to be too high of pressure or expectations so I rather keep it simple and casual. What I am a big fan of is January 1st and the start of a new year. I really believe setting goals for yourself is overly important. I am not saying setting a resolution such as going to the gym 4 days a week, or not eating cake, or spending less.... I am talking about goals such as being happier, feeling more complete, bettering your soul. Each year I look back at where I was on December 31st the year before and I reminisce about what the entire year had brought me. I look at how far I came, what adventures I succeeded in or failed  at, and I look at where I currently stand. I had a growing year in 2013, both professionally & in my personal life. It was a year unlike one I had ever had before + it felt good. It definitely had up's & down's but for the most part is was a fulfilling year. Looking forward to 2014 I think this may just be the best year yet. I have conquered a lot + learned more than I could image which I am hoping is setting me up for nothing but success in the year ahead.  So here's to a wonderful 2014, a great year for all!

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