make-up tutorial | everyday eye

I am back again with another make-up tutorial for you all today! Thank you for all your feedback on last weeks everyday face tutorial, I so grateful for your kind words and I am glad some of you found it helpful! Today I am going to share how I do my everyday eye make-up. I searched and searched for th perfect natural looking eye and after years of trying to figure it out I finally nailed it. At least for me! Th

This eye make-up is my go to wear everyday.  I have broken it down to many steps for you, but trust me it looks more complicated than it really is. Super easy I promise you! Here goes....

Step 1: Prime lid using MAC's LUNA FROST cream using MAC's 217 BLENDING BRUSH

I use 217 BLENDING BRUSH for almost everything eye related. I just clean it on some tissue and cleaner each time so my colors don't blend together. To start I take LUNA FROST cream color base and apply it in the inner corners of my lid and also along my last line. I cover the majority of my lid as well. Let set for 1-2 minutes! 
Step 2: Apply DAZZLELIGHT eye shadow using 217 BLENDING BRUSH

Next I take my same brush and apply DAZZLELIGHT eye shadow over where I just applied LUNA FROST cream base. This really brings out a bright cream color in the inner corners of my eyes giving a fresh spring look. I also pull the shadow out over the bottom of my lash line all the way to the outer corners. Again I use the same 217 BLENDING BRUSH. I don't usually clean it between these steps. Another good color option is DAZZLELIGHT is not in stock is: ALL THAT GLITTERS or NAKED LUNCH
Step 3: Apply BRULE shadow under eye brows using 208 SMALL ANGLED BROW BRUSH

To get a good clean line under your eye brow I use the 208 SMALL ANGLED BROW BRUSH and run BRULE eye shadow underneath my brows, drawing a crisp clear line. This gives a brightness to the top of your eye lips and also defines the brow shape. Apply generously however make sure the brush is angled outward to give a clear line. Other good options if BRULE is not in stock are: HONESTY or SILVER RING
Step 4: Apply KID shadow in crease using 217 BLENDING BRUSH

For some color definition between the top of your lids and the bottom I take the 217 BLENDING BRUSH and apply KID eye shadow to the crease of my eye lids. Starting from the outside I do a half circle sweep in to the inner part of my eye and then back out. I do this back & forth motion about 3 times. KID is a soft tan color that is great for light skinner girls. It doesn't add too much color but enough to make a color contrast perfect for everyday. Other options to KID can be: OMEGA or ORB

Step 5: apply MAC's pro longwear eyeliner in BLCK ICE

I love pro longwear because it truly always stays on! I know I know, I should pull my lid to the side but I do NOT have a steady hand so in order to even think about a straight line I have too. If the line is still not straight I take my 208 SMALL BROW BRUSH and smudge the liner out. 

FInal and most important step it applying mascara! I use two different kinds, 1st applying MAYBELLIN's FALSIES BIG EYES, this mascara has 2 sides so the bigger brush is for the top lashes and the smaller brush for the lower lashes. Then I take COVERGIRL's LASHBLAST FUSION  for a little extra volume!

There you have it, my everyday eye make up! It is super simple and gives just the amount of color and brightness with out over doing it. I do love and support MAC, however is I can mix in some drug store brands I am all about it, brushes however I do believe need to be higher quality so I always suggest MAC brushes, it really is a game changer! 

If you missed last weeks everyday face make-up you can see the post HERE or by clicking image below!

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