summer scents

a smell good summer
Summer always has that specific smell of sunscreen, chlorine, fresh cut grass, and lemonade. As much as I love all those things summer also needs to be paired with a nice fresh perfume that can be worn day to night. As the days become longer, routines become broken it is always important to have the perfect smell at the tip of your fingers when needed.  As the summer approaches that careful scent decision needs to be made carefully.  I put together a list of some of favorites for summer '14...topping it off is MAC 'turquatic' & Kate Spade's 'live colorfully'.  The freshness of the light scents are perfect for any daytime activity to keep that sweaty smell down and the pretty smell up!! If you are looking for a more romantic night time scent Dior 'miss dior' or Tory Bruch's signature line are great choices.

Below are some more of my favorites as well! Let summer begin! Happy Weekend Blogging Beauties!

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