dress (SIMILAR, on sale!!): Target // shoes (HERE) (SIMILAR) c/o LuLu*s // purse (SIMILAR. on sale!) c/o LuLu*s // bracelets (HERE) c/o loopsway // watch (HERE, on sale!!): Michael Kors // lips (HERE): MAC 'snob' // nails (HERE): Essie 'cute as a button'
I can't believe it was three years ago {tomorrow} that I started this little piece of the internet called Classic & Bubbly. Some days it seems like just yesterday, others days when I can't find a single thing to put together for an outfit it feels like a decade. Either way I am so grateful for the opportunities, the friends, the experiences that blog land has brought my way. It has completely and utterly changed my life and for that I am thankful! I am also so thankful to all my friends & family who have supported me throughout this journey. I am so excited to see what this little blog of mine will bring this coming year!
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