MIM rocks fashion

 Above is a recap of the evening!

 Brie & I got to meet some other fabulous blogging beauties! Meet Ashley & Audree, both local AZ bloggers!

Happy Monday!! April 1st today, other wise known as April Fool's day (which I am not really a big fan of..... just saying) Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend, I can tell you that I ate wayyyy too much, seemed I was never full & snacked all day everyday! 

Friday night I was able to attend the Phoenix Fashion Week MIM Rocks Fashion event!! It was super last minute & I could not pass up an opportunity like this! It was sooooo great! The fashion was beautiful, I got the chance to meet some amazing bloggers, & have such a great experience! I went my my partner in crime Brie (we met, fell in love & now can't seem to go longer than an hour without having contact with one another!) & had the best evening with all the fabulousness that was happening around us! The anticipation for August & September is climbing soooo much when the big events will start to roll in for Fashion's Night Out! 

Have a great start of the week, I have a feeling this week will be a good one! 


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