Random Wednesday

pants: Dynamite // shoes: H&M // shirt: Macy's // hat & bag: Forever21 // necklace: Franscesa's // bracelets c/o Sophistifunk 

I am super excited & honored to be able to help Shanna host her Random Wednesday link up this week! I am jealous of all the fun she is having in London & all the great experiences... mind you the clothes + fashion she is getting able to see. You go girl!

I think I am going to open up on my blog today a little more than usual. I am guest posting over with Because Shanna Said So on following your dreams. Being in the blog world has opened my eyes to many fabulously strong women who are out following their passions. I started my blog when I was in a low spot in my personal life. I needed something to channel my energy into that would be all. for. me! I started Classic & Bubbly to practice my photography skills. Since starting almost 2 years ago I have now gone to Photography {Stesha Jordan Photography} full time yes, sometimes I have to eat nothing but goldfish & roman but it is always worth it. To me life is about doing what you are passionate about that will make you happy. Sometimes I get frustrated & overwhelmed which leads me to think I am crazy & should just get back into corporate america making $$ working 9-5. Then I think nope, just stick is out Stesh everything will work out in the long run. 

I am super excited to be announcing that I have been working hard hard hard on a new aspect to my blog. I will be announcing the news here in the up-coming weeks. Poring hours on hours of research, emails, working with the state ect to be able to live out my dreams. Starting next week make sure you come check out the blog for details & hints for what I am talking about.  I think you will all really like it... just saying! 

If you are passionate about something make sure you make a plan to accomplish it. Starting is always the hardest part but once you take baby step after baby step you will be amazed to how things come together. If you are feeling lost or confused look where your heart is & go after it. Important message: make sure you have support form your friends & family you will need them when times get hard. 




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