Classic & Bubbly THE SHOP is now open for business my friends! I can't believe I have survived + it is now opening day! eeeeek!! A few times these past few weeks I have thought I was a crazy person about to loose my mind. Thinking I could actually pull this off.... I guess crazy paid off hey? I am super excited to launch the new Classic & Bubbly THE BLOG + THE SHOP! My dreams are coming true right before my eyes + I have no idea how to handle it. 

I want to give back to you for all your support & love through out the weeks leading to this launch.  I truly appreciate every comment, email, + tweet I have received. I really don't think I could have done this without ya'll so hurry up & head over to THE SHOP + tell me what you think!!

use code OPENWEEK25 for 25% off your entire purchase

make sure you follow @classicandbubblytheshop on instagram for flash sales, cupon code & much, much more!

ps. help me share the word by grabbing my buttons & placing it on your side bar!

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