who's reading?

shoes: Charlotte Russe // shorts: lush // shirt: Classic & Bubbly // bracelets c/o Sophistifunk 

What happens when you get writers block? People say you should just start writing + eventually something will come to you. Well, I have been staring at my screen for a few hours minutes + nothing! I am watching Nashville (I really dislike Hayden but for some reason I am obsessed with this show) so maybe thats the reason for my writers block. 
I get nervous sometimes on what to write because I never know who is reading my blog. I know a lot of criticism is out there saying bloggers always pretend their lives are sunshine + butterflies who never let what really is going on in "real life" come out. Maybe we are all guilty of that at times, but honestly who wants to read about negativity, heartbreak, + complaints? We like reading funny, positive, outgoing posts on what our favorite bloggers are up too. I try to be as real as possible giving all my readers an inside look a what my life actually consists of. Today I will give you 5 words that have described me in the past few months. You can interpret them as you please!!
+ lucky
+ overwhelmed
+ confused 
+ loved
+ inspired
See life is not always perfect, but it seems you need to make the best out of the cards you are dealt. If you make the best of it, life turns out pretty dang great! Happy Thursday love bugs!

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