pretty in pink

dress c/o lulus (here - 2 left!)  // shoes: Target (here) // belt & bracelets: Forever21 

Pink is definitely my favorite color, more to look at, write with, see on a wall, but none the less my favorite color.  I tend to not usually wear pink, especially not light pink.  I have such fair skin with red undertones so usually it is not a very flattering color on me, however, when I saw this dress at the lulus swap last week at the Texas Style Council I fell in love.  I mean look at it? It is super soft, comfy, light, & fits to a tee! I added my favorite animal print flats from Target (Tar-jay never does you wrong) belted it in the middle, added some pink accessories and I was on my way! This super easy look does not take long & I found can be worn to many different occasion. Lately I have been on a take one items & dress it multiple ways kick so this dress will be a keeper for some time! 

Animal print, especially leopard, is a hot trend that will stay with us through fall, take a look at some of my leopard favs. for this fall! 

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