cotton candy push-up pops

Summer weekends always remind me of being a child. I grew up in central British Columbia, Canada where the summers are the most gorgeous things I have ever experienced. The smell of fresh cut grass, sun screen mixed with chlorine, hotdogs, + friends that fill your day with laughter. My weekend was really similar to what I just describes. 

Do you remember push pops? Ok, I had cotton candy flavored push pops Saturday.... hands down best ice cream I have eaten in who knows how long. 

Saturday + Sunday were both filled with lounging by the pool, socking in the sun, having my freckles come to life. Don't you worry sunscreen was applied :)

We had girls night Saturday in downtown phx. Growing up + going to college in the same town can get super old. You run into the same people when you are out, the same places you have been going to for years so we decided to mix it up. Downtown has really been expanding + new cool trendy bars/restaurants have been popping up. The last couple of months I have been heading downtown, it almost feels like a "real" city like Boston or NY.... ok maybe not at all like that but it is sure trying! 

I learned to make jambalaya on Sunday, paleo style! A few years ago I really took up cooking, tried to experiment with new recipes + absolutely loved it. I let cooking fall by the way side recently but I think I am going to pick it up again. It felt great to make a recipe + see the finished product.... and it was a great dinner!

Thanks all for today, Happy Monday!

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