whats your fav recipe?!

pants: TJ MAXX // shirt: F21 // intimate: Victoria Secret

I am on this new health hick the last couple of months. Ok well I guess it's not new I have been trying to implement better eating & working out for awhile.  All in all taking care of my body so I don't look aged. I am not sure if it is the fact that I see photos of myself almost daily but I have become aware of the fact that I am starting to get older. From the way Taco Bell sits on my hips, to those glasses of wine bringing out wrinkles in my face I must start talking care of myself inside & out! I can no longer live off of fast food, mac & cheese, pop, or ice cream.... ok I lie I will always have ice cream that will never change! Going to the store every week to get fresh veggies, grains & chicken has been great but I a running out of ideas to make for lunches & dinners. Insert blogger help here! I am asking you ladies to tell me one of your favorite recipes that you make once a week.  It doesn't have to be complicated (in fact I would prefer it was simple!) but something healthy that you enjoy!! Readyyyyyy go.....


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