tunnel vision

skirt: Forever21 // top: Nordstrom // earrings: Classic & Bubbly // glasses: Mexico knock-off's

Alright let's get started, we have so much to talk about today:

+ I made dinner last night and it was ah mazing.  Have you all heard of spaghetti squash? I am sure this answer is yes because I am always the last to know things and I have even heard of it! So I made the yummiest dish last night here is all you need: Spaghetti squash, chicken, onion, garlic, parsley, asparagus, and bacon. I baked the squash for 35 mins | boiled the asparagus | put the chicken in a large skillet and cooked it. Then added onions, garlic, parsley, and bacon | after the chicken was cooked I added the squash and then folded in the asparagus! It is suuuuper easy and super yummy! Add a little red wine and it was the perfect dish for bachelorette night! 

+ Speaking of Bachelorette lets do a little recap: Brooks is super cute! I loved their date in the wedding attire and then off to dinner on the bridge... melt my heart! Bryden's date.... uh, I am not sold on him. He's super sweet but I am not sure he can hang, we will see what happens. The group date was hysterical! Those boys are so silly, soulja is the mannnn! I definitely take back my compliments about Ben.... not cool! Will, you got sent home because you gave too many high fives. Next week looks juicy  can't wait to see what pans out. 

+ Since I now watch 4 hours of TV every Monday, lets talk about the Voice. My vote is still Danielle Bradbery! That girl has serious talent, well they all do, but I'm going to stick to my original pick.

+ If you want to win some $$ to Classic & Bubbly THE SHOP head over to Jenni from Story of My Life, she is doing a little giveaway for ya'll! 

+ I am linking with with Meg + KaseyLauren & Laura today for some fun fashion link-ups.  Come + join in on the fun. 

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